Ethicon Vicryl Rapide – Absorbable Streilised surgical needled suture


Ethicon Vicryl Rapide sutures are a type of synthetic, absorbable suture material that is commonly used in surgical procedures.
The suture is synthetic for minimal tissue reaction. VICRYL Rapide suture typically falls off 7-10 days postoperative or can be wiped off subsequently with gauze. Normally the removal of the suture is not required.

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Due to its absorption profile VICRYL RAPIDE is useful for skin closure, particularly in pediatric surgery, episiotomies, circumcision and closure of oral mucosa. VICRYL RAPIDE is also successfully used in ophthalmic surgery for conjunctival sutures

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USP 1-0 NW 2763, USP 2-0 NW 2762, USP 2-0 NW 2777, USP 3-0 NW 2719, USP 3-0 NW 2732, USP 4-0 NW 2718


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